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How To:

To be Added:

  • Bleed your brake lines
  • Bleed your hydraulic clutch line
  • Design a 4-link suspension
  • MIG weld
  • Rebuild a transfer case
  • Swap an engine
The "How To" section covers a large variety of automotive related tasks.  Everything from how to use a multi-meter to how to apply automotive carpet to various surfaces can be found here.

If you can think of a topic which you would like covered by us, please do not hesitate to contact me via email to request a new tech tip/ how to!

[*] You may notice a number of images missing from various how to articles - these images will be added as the situation (i.e. weather/driving season) permits.

If you feel that the information you have gathered here has been of any use to you during a project or out of pure interest and you wish to help me in return, please consider making a small donation.  Here's why.

[ TechGuys ] [ Forum ] How To [ Projects ] [ How To ] [ Email ] [ Links ]

(c) Copyright 2019 - James Buck -